6 Disruptive Web Design & Development Trends To Follow 

6 Disruptive Web Design & Development Trends To Follow 

A wide range of technologies are impacted by the ongoing changes in the digital ecosystem, including website design and development.

New disruptive technologies are always being developed, and they promise to change web design in novel ways to give users an exceptional experience. For example, AI chatbots that promptly respond to customer inquiries or AR/VR that allows users to see goods and services in real time. These technologies provide a significant competitive advantage to corporations and organizations.

A recent survey found that 85% of people think a website needs to be responsive for mobile devices. Conversely, 38% of users will only interact if the layout is visually appealing. With this post we will cover  6 disruptive web design & development trends that we should follow in 2024. So let’s get started 

Trend 1 AI Chatbots 

AI Chatbots Trend

Artificial Intelligence chatbots are gaining popularity as a means of responding to website user inquiries. These chatbots’ responses now sound even more human thanks to the recent addition of AI voice cloning, which improves user experience.

These chatbots are designed to interact with customers in real time just like a human would. The user can traverse the website and resolve their difficulties with the aid of such assistance.

Chatbots using AI provide a lot of advantages. They tend to improve the website engagement, decrease wait times, and enhance consumer happiness. They can automate customer service, saving firms money and time.

Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots are widely used by well-known companies and enterprises to assist clients on their websites and in other apps. Some of them are –

  • Domino’s – Domino’s has an AI chatbot named “Dom” that lets users order pizza, follow delivery, and get status updates on their orders.
  • Starbucks – Customers can place orders by voice commands, text messaging, or messaging through Starbucks’ AI chatbot, “My Starbucks Barista.” Along with recommendations, the chatbot also responds to inquiries regarding the menu.
  • Spotify – They are using an artificial intelligence chatbot to assist consumers in creating custom playlists and finding new songs.

Trend 2 Voice User Interface (VUI)

Voice User Interface (VUI) Trend

Voice user interface (VUI) technology facilitates voice commands for website users to engage with. With the release of voice assistants like Alexa and Google Home, VUI technology has grown in terms of  popularity.

Voice User Interface (VUI) is a feature that websites can utilize to enable voice commands for user interaction. Users can engage with a website in an accessible manner thanks to the VUI technology.

The utilization of VUI technology enhances user experience and prolongs a visitor’s stay on a website by keeping them interested. The SEO of a website is greatly impacted by having a high visitor duration.

Some famous companies using voice user interface (VUI) as a web design trend in their website are –

  • Google – Google Assistant’s search engine now includes voice search capabilities that let users search the web by saying their queries. Voice commands can be used to access Google Assistant, another AI-powered virtual assistant.
  • Amazon – Voice commands on Amazon’s Echo and other devices can be used to interact with Alexa, a virtual assistant driven by artificial intelligence.

Trend 3 Virtual Reality Integration 

Virtual Reality Integration Trend

Another popular technology that is being utilized for a variety of reasons is virtual reality (VR).

These kinds of technologies aid in giving users an immersive experience.

VR can be used by websites to highlight goods or services and let visitors experience them in a virtual setting. If used correctly, this technology can potentially provide companies with a significant competitive advantage over rivals.

Users can have a captivating and immersive experience with VR technology. It not only boosts website traffic but also gives a company an opportunity to present its goods and services in a distinctive manner.

Here are a few examples of websites that incorporate virtual reality (VR) into their web design:

  • Redbull – Red Bull has also developed an augmented reality VR video experience that lets fans experience a Red Bull Air Race from the viewpoint of a pilot.
  • Toyota – Like Lexus, Toyota has produced a 360-degree video experience that lets viewers explore the car and discover more about its technology. This function is available on the official website of Toyota.

Trend 4 Motion Design UI

Motion Design UI Trend

Motion design, which combines complex interactions with minimalist aesthetics to create an engaging user experience that directs users to your website, has become a prominent trend in web design and development.

Motion design comprises creating movements that contribute to an element’s aesthetic appeal in addition to merely animating an element once it has been conceptualized on screen.

Early on in the user experience (UX) development process, motion design must be taken into account. Merely incorporating animated scenes is insufficient to achieve the desired results; each movement must have a deeper meaning or be included for its own intrinsic value.

In order to keep users on your page, motion design should be considered. With the help of AMP, this may be done without negatively affecting download speeds.

Trend 5 Cloud Technology 

Cloud Technology Trend

Did you know that the cloud services sector brought in almost $78 billion in sales in 2023, and it is growing at a CAGR of 19.4% as it is expected to reach $815 billion by the end of 2024. 

These numbers make one thing very evident: cloud technology continues to lead web development services and solutions, and cloud service providers like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are expected to see significant increases in revenue.

This tendency is caused by the fact that many businesses already use cloud environments, and more will do so in the near future. Cloud providers are used for data storage needs by companies of all shapes and sizes, including startups, large multinational firms, intelligence services providers, health care providers, and even government agencies. 

Some of the popular cloud services providers are AWS Lamda, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, IBM OpenWhisk, Kubeless. Cloud technology offers outstanding security, scalability, and flexibility to data storage enterprises. However, hackers represent a constant threat since they might result in security lapses and other actions that jeopardize confidential data. It is important for organizations to take precautions against theft and other activities that could jeopardize the privacy of sensitive data.

Trend 6 Artificial Intelligence Development 

Artificial Intelligence Development Trend

More than 75% of consumers base their decision to buy a company on the appearance of its website; users create opinions about a website in as little as 0.5 seconds! Approximately 38% of users abandon websites if the content or layout is ugly. As a result, technology is crucial to the creation of websites. One such technology that is making a comeback in web development trends is AI.

By using AI in web development, developers may better predict user preferences and influence the overall look and feel of the site. AI assists in determining what customers intend to purchase next, as well.

Future developments in our digital age point to more intelligent methods being used in every field than manual processes in traditional enterprises, such as chatbots and augmented/virtual reality technology.

Artificial intelligence engineers are already in high demand from startups, SMEs, and major businesses as they look to address end-user demands with AI tools, software, and apps.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a standard feature on many websites, which is not surprising to many consumers as it opens up new options for web development.

Last Words 

Web design & development trends are quickly changing, and staying updated can be quite time-consuming. However, you must give these innovative techniques a shot if you want to improve customer service, conversion rates, or user experience.

Businesses may stay competitive and improve the user experience by implementing the latest web design & development trends into their websites, as the article explains.

These technologies enable websites to provide users with distinctive, customized, and engaging experiences. Businesses can test out different technologies to see which one best matches their website requirements, even though each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.